Zirconium Veneers Application
Zirconia crowns is a dental treatment method aimed at improving the aesthetic appearance of teeth with thin porcelain veneers prepared using zirconium material, while preserving the natural color, size, shape and structure of the teeth. Since zirconium is a tooth-colored material, it provides a very similar appearance to natural teeth. In addition, since zirconium is a strong material, its durability is also high. Zirconium veneer is used to correct the shape and size of the teeth, to lighten their color or to remove cracks and stains on the teeth.
Healing Process
The healing process after zirconia crowns application is quite fast and patients can usually return to their normal dental care routines within a few days. However, temporary side effects such as tooth sensitivity, pain and swelling may occur after the zirconia crowns application.
What To Do
- Gentle brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day.
- You should carefully follow the instructions given by our doctor.
What You Should Avoid
- During the first few days, avoid hard and sticky foods.
- Avoid consuming extremely hot or cold foods and drinks.
- Engaging in activities that may crack or damage the teeth, such as opening and closing the teeth, or attempting to open the teeth by hand.
Procedure Duration
1-3 Hours
Accommodation Duration
3-6 Days
Local Anesthesia