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Blepharoplasty Surgery

Blepharoplasty surgery is a surgical procedure performed to correct the eyelids for aesthetic or medical reasons such as sagging, swelling, wrinkles or bags. Blepharoplasty is performed by reshaping the skin, muscle and fat tissues around the eyes.

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is a procedure done by removing or reshaping excess skin and fat tissues in the eyelid. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty is a procedure to remove bags and puffiness under the eyes or to reduce wrinkles around the eyes.

Healing Process

About a week of rest is recommended for the healing process in eyelid surgery. It may be obvious that you have had eyelid surgery for a little more than a week. You should not drive for several days after surgery. It may take several weeks for bruises, scars and redness to subside.

Things to do

  • Apply ice packs for the first few days to reduce swelling of the eyelids.
  • Keep your head high and avoid lying on your back.
  • You can wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun and wind.

What You Should Avoid

  • Intense activities and exercises should be suspended.
  • Avoid smoking as the smoke can irritate the eyes.
  • Do not irritate your eyes, especially do not wear contact lenses.
  • Göz makyajından ve saç boyasından kaçının, bunların gözlerinize girmesi iltihaplanmaya neden olabilir.
Procedure Duration

2-4 Hours

Accommodation Duration

5-7 Days


Local or General


1-2 Days